The California Air Resources Board is holding a public workshop to discuss draft changes to the proposed greenhouse gas cap-and-trade and mandatory greenhouse gas reporting regulations.
DATE: Friday, July 15, 2011
TIME: 9 am to 3 pm
LOCATION: Byron Sher Auditorium, 2nd Floor, Cal/EPA HQ
Building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento
During the workshop, stakeholders may e-mail questions to
The cap-and-trade program covers major sources of GHG emissions in the State such as refineries, power plants, industrial facilities, and transportation fuels. The proposed regulation includes an enforceable emissions cap that will decline over time. The State will distribute allowances, which are tradable permits, equal to the emissions allowed under the cap. Sources under the cap will need to surrender allowances and offsets equal to their emissions at the end of each compliance period.
The discussion drafts are now available for download.
Staff’s presentations will be posted in advance of the workshop on ARB’s website.
You can also call (916) 322-2037 with general questions about the workshop or the proposed cap-and-trade regulation, or (916) 322-5350 with questions about the mandatory GHG reporting regulation.