Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Green Remediation Resources

April is Green Remediation month at EPA's Technology Innovation Program Contaminated Site Clean-Up Information website (CLU-IN)

During April 2009, CLU-IN will focus on "green" resources. In celebration of Earth Day, CLU-IN and TechDirect (CLU-IN's monthly newsletter) will draw attention to resources that promote energy efficiency, alternative energy sources, greenhouse gas reductions, water conservation and quality, waste reduction, material recycling or reuse, reduced consumption of all natural resources, and other sustainable strategies for contaminated site cleanup.

Resources include:
  • Webinar archives for previous green remediation seminars and presentations
  • Links to profiles and case studies of green remediation sites
  • The Green Remediation Best Management Practice Tool Kit, which offers a handful of links to agency fact sheets
  • EPA's Green Remediation Primer
  • EPA fact sheet, Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices into Site Remediation of Contaminated Sites
  • EPA fact sheet of BMPs for excavation and surface restoration
  • Green Remediation fact sheet
  • National Association of Remedial Project Managers (NARPM) Green Remediation Training manual
Comments and feedback are also requested on the following EPA initiatives:

EPA's Green Remediation Standard

EPA is considering the development of voluntary standards and a verification system for "green cleanups" that would guide and stimulate efficient, cost-effective, and low-impact site remediation by encouraging property owners, developers, and communities to go beyond state and federal requirements for cleanup and land revitalization projects. EPA is soliciting stakeholder feedback on the framework through April 30th.
- see below for more information -

EPA Region 9's LUST Cleanup Footprint Calculator
EPA Region 9 is working on a tool that quantifies environmental externalities that result from the cleanup of a Leaking UST site in California. Output metrics will include green house gas emissions, energy usage, and water usage. This calculator will capture relevant information and calculate environmental benefits of the most common remedial technologies used at LUST sites, including Soil Vapor Extraction, Pump and Treat, Soil Excavation, and Dual-Phase Extraction. Feedback and comments are solicited on their wiki page.

EPA Region 2's Clean and Green policy
The aim of this policy is to enhance the environmental benefits of Superfund cleanups. The core principles of the plan include:
* Use of 100% of electricity from renewable sources
* Concrete made with Coal Combustion Products (CCP) replacing a portion of traditional cement
* Clean diesel fuels and technologies
* Methane capture at landfill sites

- More on the EPA Green Remediation Standard -
The framework of the EPA's Green Remediation Standard will be a starting point for an ASTM subcommittee under E50-04. The CLU-IN website includes a 1-page summary of the project, the draft framework, and a feature to allow individuals to provide input on the draft framework. This feedback feature is not a formal comment period where the EPA will respond to input.
EPA's cleanup programs plan to collaborate with the ASTM International to develop a green cleanup standard through a consensus process. EPA worked with its State partners to develop the draft framework that outlines desired outcomes for a green cleanup standard. The standard will establish a uniform approach, implemented voluntarily, to encourage property owners, responsible parties, developers, and communities to use green cleanup practices during project planning and implementation. EPA plans to finalize the framework and post it in June 2009. ASTM International established a subcommittee and will use EPA’s proposed framework to kick-off the effort. To learn more, go to ASTM International’s website:

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