Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Earth Day from Northgate!

On Saturday, April 21st, Northgate participated in “Volunteer for Oakland Earth Day”, an event that brought volunteers to locations throughout Oakland to green-up and clean-up the city. Our team worked in The Gardens at Lake Merritt, a seven-acre collection of themed gardens located in the heart of Lakeside Park. The team helped weed, move rocks and soil, and perform other tasks to help further beautify the gardens.

As an added bonus, Northgate’s Molly Ammons and Anya Starovoytov brought their Girls on the Run team to participate in the cleanup. Girls on the Run is a non-profit prevention program that encourages preteen girls to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running. In addition to Northgate’s financial support of the team, Molly and Anya also donate their time and coach the girls one afternoon a week and every Saturday morning.

Saturday was a true example of our commitment to all aspects of sustainability.

Happy Earth Day!